
At En-Port City International, we believe learning is fun and explorative; thus we have several extra-curricular activities and events to make learning more fun for our children.

Colour Days

We as a school believe that learning about colours is an important part of a child’s preschool development and also early identification of colours helps to create the cognitive link between visual clues and words.
On colour days, just as the name suggests it is a day that all our children are dressed in the selected colour of the day. The classrooms are decorated with the same colour to welcome the children to school.
The motive of celebrating this day is to make the children aware of COLOURS, their significance and also to develop their fine motor skills.

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Career Days

Career day is an event at En-Port City International to inform students on the careers available to them in the job market. During the career day event, learners get the opportunity to dress up as Professionals of their future careers.
The goal of En-Port City International career day is to introduce learners to careers by bringing community members into the school to discuss their chosen careers.


Travel expands children’s horizons and school life cannot be complete without the fun of educational tours and excursions.
An annual excursion is organised for students for every academic session. Also, En-Port City International organises planned visits to various places to enrich the learners and to take learning beyond the four walls of the classroom.

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